Since our founding, our nonprofit Council has proudly organized a free health fair every year. We believe health care is a human right. As we continue our fight towards Single-Payer Healthcare in California, we organize an annual free health clinic for our community. It brings essential medical, dental, and vision services. It is open to all regardless of insurance status or documentation status. It provides completely free same-day services to everyone on a first-come, first-served basis. Although resources vary year to year. We always have local providers volunteer their time to make it possible for all to access quality healthcare. Providers include doctors providing checkups and student sports physicals, dentists providing extractions and fillings, dental hygienists providing cleanings, optometrists providing eye exams, eye prescriptions and prescription eyeglasses, and nurses providing vaccinations.
// Desde nuestra fundación, nuestro Consejo sin fines de lucro ha organizado con orgullo una feria de salud gratuita todos los años. Creemos que la atención médica es un derecho humano. A medida que continuamos nuestra lucha hacia la atención médica de pagador único en California, organizamos una clínica de salud gratuita anual para nuestra comunidad. Brinda servicios médicos, dentales y oftalmológicos esenciales. Está abierto a todos, independientemente del estado del seguro o del estado de la documentación. Brinda servicios completamente gratuitos en el mismo día a todos por orden de llegada. Aunque los recursos varían de año en año. Siempre contamos con proveedores locales que ofrecen su tiempo como voluntarios para hacer posible que todos accedan a una atención médica de calidad. Los proveedores incluyen médicos que brindan chequeos y exámenes físicos deportivos para estudiantes, dentistas que brindan extracciones y empastes, higienistas dentales que brindan limpiezas, optometristas que brindan exámenes de la vista, recetas de ojos y anteojos recetados, y enfermeros que proporcionan vacunas.
Share our Save the Date informational flyer for our next health fair event!
Now looking for sponsors, partners, exhibitors, and volunteers (general and providers).
Our 12th Annual LULAC/Flying Doctors Free Community Health Clinic was held at Stratton Community Center (2008 Martin Luther King Blvd, Riverside, CA 92507) on Saturday, May 18th. We were serving patients from 8am to 3pm. The last patient completed their visit with the optometrist at 5:30pm. The clinic provided free health services, provided on a first-come, first-served basis. Primary care services included student sports physicals by Pediatricians, and were provided by Riverside University Health System (RUHS) Community Health Centers team. The Flying Doctors/Los Medicos Voladores and Healing California provided dental care and vision care services. Dental care included cleanings, fillings, and extractions. Vision care included eye exams, prescriptions, and eyeglasses mailed to their home. RUHS Department of Public Health provided take-home COVID-19 test kits, Naloxone kits, and vaccinations. Vaccinations included: COVID-19 (Moderna and Pfizer), Flu, HPV, MPox,Tdap, Varicella. Bordando Nuestras Raices provided brand-new clothing, shoes, and accessories from Forever21. Overflow Farms provided fresh produce and canned goods. A resource fair with information booths from local nonprofits, businesses, and sponsors was available for the fair participants. Shoutout to the 99 volunteers we had helping us make the day possible. Thank you!
Our 11th Annual LULAC/Flying Doctors Free Community Health Clinic was held at University Heights Middle School (1155 Massachusetts Ave, Riverside, CA 92507) on Saturday, October 7th. We were serving patients from 8am to 4pm. The clinic provided free health services, provided on a first-come, first-served basis. Primary care services included student sports physicals by Pediatricians, and were provided by Riverside University Health System (RUHS) Community Health Centers. The Flying Doctors/Los Medicos Voladores and Healing California provided dental care and vision care services. Dental care included cleanings, fillings, extractions, children teeth sealing and polishing, and root canals. Vision care included eye exams and prescriptions. RUHS Department of Public Health provided take-home COVID-19 test kits and vaccinations (Tdap, Flu, COVID, Monkeypox). RUHS Department of Behavioral Health provided mental health consultations by Clinical Therapists. Spiritual counseling was provided by Refocus-on-U. Linda Hair provided free haircuts. Bordando Nuestras Raices provided brand-new clothing, shoes, and accessories. A resource fair with information booths from local nonprofits, businesses, and sponsors was available for the fair participants. Thank you to the 182 volunteers we had helping making the event possible. We love you!